I am trying to record a weekly homily and to put it on the website. The videos are in English and Spanish and can be found on the homepage on the right side toward the bottom of the page.
We will celebrate Palm Sunday but our celebration will be different this year. In accordance with the Bishop's instructions, I will celebrate mass in private during which I will bless the palms.
We will have a drive through at each parish where you can receive your palms, I will offer your family a blessing, and you will have the opportunity to make your weekly donation in person, all without leaving your car.
More information about our Palm Sunday Celebration can be found here:
This is a lot of information so I will send reminders during the week via Flocknotes. I am also working on a plan for the Easter celebrations and will communicate that to you as soon as possible.
Please stay safe, I miss you all. May God bless all of us.